Jesus: A Model of Forgiveness (Mid-Week Bible Study)

Jesus hugging a woman

Series: Becoming Like Jesus.


  • Series: Becoming like Jesus/Christ-like
  • Recap: study and quiet life, authority, power and anointing, prayer life, self-control and self-denial, compassion
  • Today: Jesus, a model of forgiveness

Definitions of Forgiveness

  • A conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.
  • Forgiving others means letting go of resentment and giving up any claim to be compensated for the hurt or loss we have suffered.

What Jesus said about forgiveness

  • Be merciful just like God your father Luke 6: 36
  • The merciful will be shown mercy Matthew 5:7, Matthew 6:12, Luke 11:4
  • You will be treated how you treat others Matthew 7:1-2
  • Do good to those who do bad to you Luke 6:27-36, Matthew 5:38-42
  • Consider yourself blessed when maltreated for the sake of Christ. Matthew 5:11, Luke 6:22
  • Love God and love your neighbor Mark 12:29-31
  • Forgive as many times as it takes Matthew 18:21-22

His parables about forgiveness: the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18:23-35). The barren fig tree (Luke 13:6-9); the bent over woman (Luke 13:10-13); the lost sheep (Luke 15:4-7); the lost coin (Luke 15:8-10); and the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).

What Jesus did regarding forgiveness

  • Jesus forgave those who sinned against others: The paralyzed man (Mark 2:1-5), the sinful woman who bathed his feet with her tears (Luke 7:36-48), the adulterous woman (John 8:3-11), the thief on the cross (Luke 23:39-43).
  • Jesus forgave those who sinned against him directly: the Roman soldiers who scourged and nailed him (Luke 23:34) his disciples who deserted him including Peter who denied him (John 20:19-22),
  • Jesus asked us to continue his forgiveness ministry. What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven (Matthew 16:19), whose sins you forgive are forgiven (John 20:23).  Ministry of reconciliation 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

Other biblical examples

  • Joseph forgave his brothers Genesis 50: 15-21
  • Stephen forgave his killers Acts 7:59-60
  • Esau forgave Jacob Genesis 33:1-4
  • David forgave Saul 1 Samuel 24:8-13

Any more examples?

What keeps us from forgiving?

  • Our feelings: grief, anger, rejection, abandonment, abuse, betrayal, fear etc.
  • Our memories: evidence of all the reasons why they were wrong and the feelings that accompany the memories.
  • Self-righteousness: desire to get justice or vengeance, see the person punished, suffer, for it to seem fair, desire to be declared right and them wrong
  • Their behavior: unapologetic, persistence in negative action
  • Other factors: age, culture, other voices
  • Any more reasons for unforgiveness?

Discuss: it’s cruel to tell people to forgive because it invalidates the abuse they experienced and the trauma they may be working through T/F?

How can we forgive like Jesus?

  • It begins with love: John 15:12,17, John 13:34-35, 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13
  • Jesus was intentional about forgiveness and made a conscious effort.
  • Jesus’ forgiveness preceded repentance. Romans 5:8
  • Jesus’ forgiveness is in spite of the facts/evidence of wrongdoing.
  • He was kind and merciful in his methods/words.

Note: Jesus didn’t give everyone access to Himself. He walked away from people who were out to destroy Him before His time (Luke 4:28-30). He didn’t answer people who were clearly intending to mock or ridicule Him such as Herod (Luke 23:8-9). Jesus wasn’t a doormat. He listened to God the Father and obeyed Him and remained loving and set boundaries for Himself.


  • Are there special circumstances that are unforgivable?
  • Is it okay to forgive people and yet protect yourself from them and their unchanging, hurtful behavior?
  • What do I do with relatives/ family members who truly harmed me and are not repentant when it seems like Christians around me want me to just get over it?
  • What about people I love but don’t like?
  • Doesn’t forgiveness let people off the hook?
  • Does forgiveness mean the same thing as reconciliation?

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  1. The Lord’s prayer is an example of how we are reminded to forgive others as we also seek forgiveness from God. It’s more like a prerequisite for our sins to be forgiven.

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